Canada is Free and Freedom is Its Nationality

Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Friday, January 1, 2010

November OHRT Cases

Selection of Ontario Human Rights Commission cases for November 2009.

Renter alleges that the respondent discriminated against him in accommodation based on creed and origin. The Tribunal found that "There is no credible evidence to support the claim that the respondent colluded with the applicant’s former landlord, works for Canadian and foreign security intelligence agencies, deliberately used sound and psychotronic devices to implant noises in the applicant’s brain, obstructed the applicant’s job search, tried to steal the applicant’s identity, intruded without authorization into the applicant’s apartment and removed personal documents, broke into his rental car or made false allegations against him to the police."

Male alleges that he was discriminated against by police who broke into a party and assaulted and/or arrested some attendees. Tribunal dismissed application because it had not been submitted in a timely manner.

Employee alleges discrimination on the basis of drug addiction. Tribunal dismisses case as having been taken care of in settlements.

Employee alleges harassment and failure to accommodate a disability against Hydro One. Tribunal dismisses failure to accommodate but will allow harassment charge to go forward.

Prospective Employee alleges discrimination by the Director of the
Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre because he said she discouraged him from seeking employment with the CCSC because he was Chinese. Tribunal dismissed complaint in part because the person eventually hired was Chinese.

Customer alleges discrimination because he is Turkish. Tribunal awards $15,000.

Employee on probation alleges discriminatory comments and behavior at the workplace. Tribunal dismisses case.

who was arrested after not complying with a police officer's orders and who resisted arrest alleges discrimination on the grounds of race and gender. Tribunal awards $5000. This case was the subject of a National Post article for the Tribunal's creative use of racial stereotypes (in other words using stereotypes that no one had ever heard of).

Permit welder who was laid off alleges discrimination on the grounds of race. Tribunal dismisses case.

Male alleges that he was a victim of gender bias in investigation of a domestic assault matter. Tribunal rules that under new Code only Commission may bring public interest cases where there is no affected individual.

Student alleges racial discrimination in handling of a grade challenge at her university. Tribunal dismisses case.

Job candidate for a position involving tech knowledge alleges age discrimination. Tribunal dismisses case.

Restaurant patron alleges racial discrimination when he was barred from a restaurant following an incident where he yelled at a waitress.

Employee who had an illness which was under control but whose underlying cause was not known was told not to return to work until she discovered the reason for her symptoms. Tribunal awarded $81,623 in compensation.

Man arrested by police alleges discrimination. Tribunal dismisses case.

Tenant was not provided with large print copies of all tenant notices. Tribunal awards $3000.

"alleges that he was denied a gun license; was not successful in his appeal regarding the denial of a gun license due to false allegations by the police; experienced government harassment, massive criminal collusion concerning religious based hate crimes against him and ongoing public endangerment, death threats, ongoing violence and malicious persecution; was subjected to false and misleading court transcripts in his hearings; was accused of criminal behaviour and a conspiracy to murder for profit; and was accused of being a member of Hell’s Angels and has had to live undercover and under the protection of several churches." Tribunal dismissed case.

Tenant violated apartment rules and was told not to do so. He alleges that this was discrimination because of disability however he neglected to tell the landlord that he required accommodation in the matter because of a disability. Tribunal dismissed the case.

Parents of school child
allege failure of school to accommodate the child's disability but refuse to release relevant documentation. Tribunal dismisses case.

Police officer
who engaged or was said to engage in drug dealing, drug use, and admitted to possible impairment at work alleges that the police department discriminated on the basis of a drug addiction and race. Tribunal dismissed the case. ( How's this for an interesting phrase: "Rather he voluntarily resigned, fully aware of his right to remain employed and allege that his addiction should be taken into account in assessing his culpability in any potential Police Services Act proceeding.")


  1. Life is a test, and the Gods evaluate people based on their performance.
    The Gods test people with the temptation for which they are most weak::::
    Homosexuals desire sodomy, alcoholics crave a drink, junkies jones for dope, etc.
    Addiction theory is a lie; it is Artificial Intelligence creating the desire, punishment for inappropriate behavior. Ironically, it compells people deeper into the behavior, minimizing hope for recovery.
    The Gods chose Christianity for Europeans because it is the temptation to which they are most suseptable:::Entitlement. Something for nothing. A free ride. And the United States/Western civilization with accompanying wealth contributes to this perception.
    Next time you think of Muslims recognize these people are vastly superior to Christians. Whereas many throughout the Christian world no longer attend church and have fallen into Godlessness, the Muslim world worships the Gods for OVER AN HOUR EACH AND EVERY DAY.

  2. "...the Muslim world worships the Gods for OVER AN HOUR EACH AND EVERY DAY."


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