Canada is Free and Freedom is Its Nationality

Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Tribunal Cases

Woman brings case against "Bell Canada, Rogers Cable, Mississauga Hydro, Toronto Hydro, State Farm Insurance, State Farm Electrical, The Bank of Nova Scotia, and

The narrative included in the Application also made allegations about the RCMP and the CBC....Her submissions were largely concerned with alleged government corruption and drug trafficking, as well as high frequency noise over her telephone line and interference with her television service. She also indicated that one of the financial institutions broke a contract and was involved in an attempt to kill her." Tribunal dismissed the case.

Female doctor refuses to take on disabled patient because she does not feel comfortable doing house calls (which were requested). Mother of patient shouts and yells at doctor. Tribunal dismisses case although Commission supports it.

Bus Driver Trainee was given accommodation for her learning disability but still failed the test. Tribunal dismisses complaint.

Firefighter claims discrimination due to disability. Tribunal dismisses complaint.

Woman with guide dog refused entrance to restaurant. Tribunal awards $2,000.

Woman, while off work caring for her injured daughter, is rude to her employer and hangs up on her. She is afterwards fired. Tribunal dismisses case.

Construction worker claims discrimination based on race. Employer argues successfully that he was a poor worker. Based on the Tribunal's decision it is also highly probable (if not absolutely certain) that the employee lied to the Tribunal. Tribunal dismisses case.
Woman on social assistance claims discrimination on age, disability, etc, etc, etc in the way her social assistance case was handled. Tribunal dismisses case.

Employee claims discrimination on the grounds of place of origin, ethnic origin, creed and age mostly over a dispute about vacation times. (Who got to be off over Christmas, the Muslim or Sikh employee)

Employee with disability says that her employer shouldn't have relied on a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board ergonomics evaluation when providing her with modified work. She also said she should have been given another position, like cleaner or security guard. Employer points out that they already have a cleaner (with more seniority) and do not have nor need a security guard. Tribunal dismisses case.

Employee is directed to go for monthly checkups for a set period but does so for much longer (years), to a doctor 200k away (he liked that doctor apparently). Then he tries to claim gas and lunch money for visits from his employer. Tribunal dismisses case.

Prospective student thinks that posting a minimum LSAT score for enrolment is discriminatory. He shouldn't actually have to write the LSAT at all since LSAT requires a certain test in order to asses mental disability for accommodation that costs $5,000. Tribunal dismisses case.

Employee who was using company credit cards for private purchases injured himself and was fired. Tribunal finds disability was a factor in firing and awards $5,000 but because the employee lied to the tribunal he would only get $3,500. The rest went to a charity.


  1. "...asses mental disability" :)

    Accurately put. The only remaining issue is which led to the other.

  2. "Employee who was using company credit cards for private purchases injured himself and was fired. Tribunal finds disability was a factor in firing and awards $5,000"

    Tribunals lesson for employed thieves; while stealing from your employer on his credit card, be sure to injure yourself some how for a cash advance. Simply apply for it at your nearest friendly HRT. We are here to serve.

  3. The popular comment layout is common, so it is easily recognized when scanning to post a comment. If the comment section is in a different format, then I am going to spend more time trying to decipher what everything means.

    part time worker

  4. I'm sure some people, who don't know any better, will read these wacky cases, see all the Tribunal's dismissals and say "the system works." But the real question is at what cost to the respondents, and of course, the taxpayers?

    Good work on digging these up!

  5. I know what you mean Natasha, how much did all of this cost everyone not just in money but also in mental anguish as the Tribunal might say?

    For me it raises the question, for the three or so legitimate (maybe) cases a year why do we need a whole government department and court system. Why can't the labor board or small claims court take over if they must?
